Corporate Governance

In 2005, applied the management system IRP version ORACLE (USA) into the business management.

At present and in the future, LASUCO continues to apply enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems on GIS (Geographical Information System) maps. This allows the company to know exactly where the land plots are, their size and their nature. By combining algorithms, the employees only need to hold the phone through the land parcel, the system will  automatically record.

LASUCO has also applied the Internet technology in the integration of sensor systems in key material areas of about 500 hectares. The AI system helps analyze the optimum farming process, responding to changing weather conditions in each farming area which being monitored, supervised by the Internet and then send warnings to the Technican. All the information is coordinated on the screen in the real time, the manager sitting at the center coordinates all the actual information and comes up with the forecast.

Harvesting and transportation also uses high technology, coordinates the vehicle on the map in the real time, sees each vehicle being transported, avoids congestion and misses schedule or delays. Each vehicle, in essence, has electronic chip installed to track the route, update the vehicle number and contract number …

All these technological solutions help LASUCO solve difficulties in the integration process: do well in this season, predict next year’s output, come up with the planning, and most importantly, reduce the cost of production.

Corporate governance
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Committee
Vice Director
Executive Committee
Deputy General Director
Executive Committee
Deputy General Director
Board of Supervisors
Head of Supervisory Department